6 Breathing Exercises to Relieve Stress

Justin McCarthy-Contreras
Published February, 23, 2023

There are depressing moments in everyone’s life. Most of the time, people wish to run away from these risks. They imagine the outcome and enter a cycle of wanting more from their day. The 6 breathing exercises to relieve stress utilize an automatic behavior given to all of us. Uncover exercises to assist with any problem from controlling inner emotions. (Please read the Disclaimer before attempting)

The body requires oxygen to survive. This necessity fills the lungs which proceed to fuel blood cells before exhaling carbon dioxide. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are chemical elements that vary our physical stress and mental health. Read breathing exercises to learn methods that empower someone to control their feelings of anxiety and stress.


Mindful Breathing

Introduce a phrase such as, “Breathe, refresh, restart” or a word like “peace” that calls to you. Instead of a word, a sound such as “om” is also useful. Remember the choice as any other thoughts that enter the mind should pass.


With everything happening at work and personal life search for a few minutes of time to enter the present. Concentrate on the breath and not what already occurred or hopes for the future. The present body requires air to flow through the nose as a mindful phrase, word, or sound guides every inhale and exhale.


Deep Breathing

As the name implies, long breaths will be performed. Long inhalation is demonstrated by a slower heartbeat and feelings of relaxation. Find a comfortable place to perform this and any of the following exercises. Once in a safe place to concentrate on breathing follow these steps:

  1. Relax the body from the neck and shoulders to the legs.

  2. Count to four while breathing in

  3. Exhale for another four seconds emptying the lungs

  4. Progress to taking long inhales and exhales without concern about the seconds passed


Diaphragmatic Breathing

The diaphragm and intercostal muscles are other body parts active during automatic inhale and exhales. Diaphragmatic breathing is also known as belly breathing which refers to the location of the diaphragm organ. This area should expand 

  1. Place the left or right hand on the upper chest with the other on the lower stomach.

  2. Release any contractions you have in the center of the body (Think abdominals, obliques, and pectoral muscles.)

  3. Breathe through the nostrils following the air moving through the nose and down to the diaphragm region.

  4. Exhale through the mouth with pursed lips for one breath.

  5. Repeat 2 more times when learning before working up to 5-10 minutes to practice throughout the day.


Lion’s Breath

A yoga instructor may have guided their participants to follow lion’s breath which is used for releasing the energy stored in the face from stress. Begin in a comfortable pose such as a lion before it strikes prey (Think about Mufasa and Simba if that helps.)

  1. Inhale through the nose

  2. Widely open the mouth with the tongue reaching for the chin

  3. Exhale from the mouth emptying all air from the belly

  4. Breathe in and out from the nose again a few times before performing another lion’s breath


Alternate Nostril Breathing

Slow the emerging tasks life throws at you by attempting alternate nostril breathing. Empty any air you have before beginning these steps:

  1. Close the right nostril with the thumb of one hand

  2. Breathe in through the left nostril

  3. Using another finger of the hand, close the left nostril while releasing the thumb

  4. Exhale from the right nostril

  5. Inhale through the right nostril

  6. Close the right nostril again with the thumb

  7. Release the finger covering the left nostril and breathe out from this side


Box Breathing

Daily events are fast-paced which likely generates stress. A person should be able to enter a comfortable place and offer themselves a few minutes during the day. Sit up straight in a chair or wall to start.

  1. Breathe in for 4 seconds

  2. Imagine the air in the lungs and hold it for another 4

  3. Open the mouth to exhale for 4 seconds

  4. Wait 4 more seconds before inhaling air again



Breathing exercises should only be used after speaking with a medical professional. Everyone’s health conditions are different, therefore, breathing techniques only assist other treatments offered.


Practicing any breathing exercise should be done in a calm state for a short amount of time. When trained, these breathing methods should be applied during stressful events. Benefit from consciously controlling the body we are given.



Chen Y-F, Huang X-Y, Chien C-H, Cheng J-F. The effectiveness of diaphragmatic breathing relaxation training for reducing anxiety. Perspect Psychiatr Care. 2017 Oct;53(4):329–36.


Sharma VK, Trakroo M Subramaniam V, Rajajeyakumar M, Bhavanani AB, Sahai A. Effect of fast and slow pranayama on perceived stress and cardiovascular parameters in young health-care students. Int J Yoga. 2013; 6(2):104-10. doi:10.4103/0973-6131.113400

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