8 Leg Exercises Easy on the Knees

Justin McCarthy-Contreras
Published March 16, 2023

Congratulations to everyone who decided to include fitness throughout the week. Some choose cardio whereas others wish for muscle strength. Always mix things up to shock the body and keep routines fresh. Brand-new practices should always be inserted with caution not to cause injury. Consider 8 leg exercises easy on the knees to avoid and prevent joint pain.


The TBI Mente Soul broke the left patella and femur, thus amplifying the difficulty of learning to walk again (To read more about this visit Traumatic Accident link). A walker, crutches, and cane while wearing a knee splint excluded any thought of leg exercises. The ability to walk was tough enough. Eventually returning to the gym I wished to incorporate total body; don’t forget about leg day! Whether recovering from injury and/or being careful not to harm yourself, here are exercises and precautions taken for knee trouble.


Warm Up

The body should be ready for a workout, otherwise, the individual risks hurting themselves. Whatever you are training, warm up the muscles and tendons to prepare for later exercises. An example for the legs include:

  • 15 Jumping Jacks for 3 sets

    • Increase blood flow as well as prime calves by jumping

  • Knee Grab + Rotation

    • From standing lift one knee up to the waist and balance

    • After 5 seconds rotate away from the body and lower the leg

    • Repeat on the other side for one rep and do 8 total

  • Good Mornings

    • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and a straight spine

    • Lower the level upper body until it is parallel to the ground

    • Repeat 15 good mornings using the hamstrings and glutes

  • Quadricep Stretch

    • From standing bend the left side’s lower leg until you can grab the foot and hold for 15 seconds

    • Repeat on the right leg

  • Lateral Lunges

    • Step far to the left keeping the toes pointing forward

    • Balance most of the body weight on this foot while you bend the left leg

    • Straighten the leg when it reaches 90 degrees and repeat on the right side for 5 lunges in each direction

Leg Exercises

Is your body ready for a challenge? Let’s progress to leg exercises easy on the knees once the body’s ready.



  • The circulation to float in water and strokes like freestyle are joint-friendly

  • Perform numerous laps according to your body and goals



  • Natural movement learned long ago is physical activity

  • Walk for 30 minutes a day


Calf Raises

Try not to neglect any muscle from the quads, glutes, hamstrings, shins, and calves. Calf raises are a great exercise to perform which can be done from standing on the floor, but use a higher surface like a stair for a full range of motion.

  • Raise the heels (or heel if only using one leg) off the ground

  • Balance on the balls of your feet (foot) for 3 seconds and slowly lower for 1 repetition

  • Aim for 15 reps per set


Seated Leg Extensions

When doctors advised exercises to avoid knee pain, leg extensions were one of the first mentioned. This exercise should be done from a chair or on a machine using a very lightweight (i.e. 20lb).

  • Straighten one leg with the quadricep muscles

  • Slowly lower this leg for 1 rep

  • Complete 10 reps before changing to the other side for one set

  • Finish 30 reps for each leg or 3 sets


Step Ups

  • Step onto a bench with one leg when the knee reaches a 90-degree angle

    • If the knee cannot bend to 90 degrees, lower the degrees to a level safe for your joints

    • For more difficulty hold onto dumbbells throughout the set

  • Press the leg already on the bench toward a straight position

  • Straighten the other leg and step down to the floor

  • Switch the leg that starts on the bench for the next rep

  • Practice 16 reps or 8 per leg each set



  • Walk one leg forward a long stride and carefully bend the knee close to the floor

    • Carry dumbbells or rest a barbell on the shoulders to add weight difficulty to each rep

  • Press back up balancing on the forward foot to lung with the other leg


Lateral Squat Walk

  • From standing, squat halfway to 135 degrees

    • For extra resistance, wrap a resistance band around the quads near the knees

  • Keeping the back straight walk to the right or left 20 steps

  • Reverse the direction for another 20 steps to strengthen both legs


Farmer’s Walk

  • Pick up two heavyweights such as dumbbells or plates

  • Walk at a regular pace the body can handle with this extra weight


These are 8 exercises Mente Soul used to combat knee pain once able to walk without assistance from a walker for example. Always ask a medical professional about joint issues before attempting any exercise. Train smart to build muscle mass symmetry!

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