What are Mindful Movement Examples?

Justin McCarthy-Contreras
Published August, 25, 2022

Try to be mindful in movement. Calm down. The average stranger is wondering, “What are mindful movement examples?”


Speaking with advanced vocabulary requires defining words. For example, a yoga instructor can’t guide someone to learn vocabulary from word repetition. When told to enter balasana we watch others move into the pose to copy if we don’t know. Similar to learning another language, Sanskrit in this case, we relate a word to an action.

Mindful Inhale


The mind considers current events happening with your body’s movement at the present time. Mindfulness is our thought staying in the present in regards to location and our actions not overreacting to the past.


Mindful movement is any type of movement that helps you manage stress, anxiety, and feel more relaxed in the moment. Mindful movement can be as simple as taking a few moments to stretch while you sit at your desk or getting up to walk around every hour at work.



Mindful Movement

Moving your body is a great way to help you manage stress and anxiety to feel more relaxed in the moment. Mindfulness is an activity we can access anywhere at any time.


Mindful movement includes any type of physical activity that helps you relax, focus on your body, and stay present in the moment—even if you’re doing it alone with no equipment at all. Examples include yoga, meditation, breathing techniques (or pranayama), qigong (a Chinese exercise practice), tai chi (another Chinese exercise practice), or even walking mindfully for ten minutes each day using an app like Headspace or Calm.


Although mindful movement doesn’t require special training or equipment like other types of mind-body interventions do, some people may prefer working with a professional instructor when starting out. A guide during mindful movement activities is helpful to learn the best ways to move their bodies and maintain healthy postures throughout their workouts.



Yoga, for example, is a great way to relax, stay flexible and get in touch with your body. Yoga can also be a great way to get in touch with your mind and emotions as it helps you focus on the present moment.


Meditation is one of the best ways to get started with mindful movement. You can do it sitting or lying down, for a few minutes or longer—it’s up to you! Practice alone or in a group, at home or at work, in your office chair.


Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on your breath and being present in the moment. To do this, close your eyes and start breathing normally while noticing how it feels inside your body as each breath moves through it. If thoughts come into your mind during meditation (and they will), simply acknowledge them without judgment before returning to focusing on your breaths again.


Meditation is not about stopping thoughts from coming up; it’s about becoming aware when they happen so that we can let them pass without acting upon them impulsively. In the modern world, stress is a common problem. If you feel stressed out, try one of these relaxation techniques:

  • Deep breathing exercises

  • Meditation

  • Yoga

Mindful movement is a great way to take care of yourself and feel better. It’s easy, it’s free, and it can be done anywhere at any time. The key is to practice each technique regularly so that they become part of your daily routine. If you’re interested in learning more about ways to improve your mental health through mindful movement, then check out Mente Soul blog for more articles like this one!




Mayo Clinic Staff. (2022, April, 28). Relaxation techniques: Try these steps to reduce stress. Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/relaxation-technique/art-20045368


Towey, S. (2004). Mindful Movement. University of Minnesota. https://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/mindful-movement

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