Keep Options Open

Published March 24, 2022

Each of our minds are different; in the way no two visions are exactly the same. What I find problematic may be contrary to another. Our decisions are based upon desires we try to meet. When our action creates an undesirable outcome, opinions begin. Judgments result in black and white thinking. I suffered from subjectivity bias after experiencing a traumatic accident. Throughout any life instance you experience remember your reaction defines your journey. 

What is black and white thought? 

Imagine two points on a line. One end point is black while the other side is white in color. The white zone interprets actions to favor you, while black is against. The middle color is grey for the result isn’t favoring either side in particular. The middle point is equal while the black and whites are extremes. 

Are you asking yourself: 

  • Is this right?
  • How is this possible? 
  • Why would I want this?

All of these are genuine questions, but let’s concentrate on “this” to be an action. Black and White zones enter, and your discipline decides the balance of color extremes.  

Black Grey White Hexagon
Black, Grey, White Hexagon

Is this right? 

A right or wrong action associates with our morals and ethics. Is the outcome against your desired results? For example, my traumatic brain injury (TBI) limited my presentation skills. Therefore, I thought I shouldn’t present to other school students. I began identifying any action adverse to my weak skills to be in the black zone. Whenever a situation occurs which doesn’t follow our plan judgements begin. 

Beware promptly thinking someone or something is against you by assigning a weak skill. Certainly, presenting to others wasn’t my first choice, but each student was required to lecture. I looked at others to blame before myself. I believed my poor public speaking skills were fixed after my brain injury. Presenting would remain weak unless I practiced the skill. You control your expertise. Adjust your black and white levels to notice where to place focus. 

Weight scale
Weight scale

Originally, I placed aphasia outside of my reach. Speech vocabulary is no longer a bright attribute of mine. The last sentence is in the black extreme for I thought my loss was permanent. Aphasia would always conquer my speaking if I let it. I improved my presentations by watching other students or well-known speeches to grasp how vital practice is to progress. 

Why would I want this? 

Ethics are only one part of an action. A morally incorrect choice by another doesn’t halt your participation. In my case, professors assigning presentations met their morals to grade students from written and verbal content. My mistake was selfishly believing anything that tested weaknesses was not worth training. Discipline yourself to know life has many options. Don’t minimize your choice to an extreme.

Grey is the middle balance between black and white thinking. Concentrating on grey consists of critical thinking towards any possibility. Practice areas you control to limit your weaknesses. My “disability” denied my ability to realize time advancement is permanent. I imprisoned myself believing extremes (black and whites) support my lack of action. Don’t hinder your actions by enabling black and white thoughts to control of your mind. Learn from yourself and others to understand both sides for balance. 

Balance the Extremes
Balance the Extremes

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What example do you have of black and white philosophy from your life? Did changing your view open new possibilities?

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