Benefits of Yoga and Meditation

Published August 4, 202 Yoga and meditation have been practiced for centuries and are proven to help with a variety of mental health issues. Before experiencing a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Mente Soul didn’t attempt either of these. Family along with Occupational and Cognitive Therapists discussed the benefits of yoga and meditation towards my recovery….

Injury from Yoga

Published July 28, 2022 Mente Soul advises anyone who has tried yoga classes before or is completely new to begin. Any physical activity poses a risk from beginner to advanced users. Injury from yoga is from the practitioner’s attempt, not the instructor. Be sure to speak with an instructor beforehand which is reviewed in the…

How to Get Abs at Home

Published July 14, 2022 The objective to get fit includes gaining muscle and aesthetics. Personal pride stems from viewing results. Look at the mirror’s reflection or think about all the energy used while exercising. Making one step closer to your goal keeps motivation high. Mente Soul describes a fitness workout about how to get abs…