Define and Improve Self-Awareness

Justin McCarthy-Contreras
Published September, 1, 2022

Picture entering an occupational therapist’s office. An appointment was scheduled by parents who care about your actions. They want you to be able to define and improve self-awareness in development. 

After waiting in a patient room for several minutes a front office medical assistant calls your name. The assistant points towards the therapist’s room to enter.

You open the door and walk inside.


“Welcome, please have a seat. Today, we will begin by discussing your self-awareness. What is self-awareness?”


Define Self-Awareness

How did you answer the therapist’s question? After recovering from a traumatic accident to where I was able to speak again among other actions, I would suggest possibilities.

I answered the therapist’s question by stating, “Self-awareness is understanding how you respond to life events, whether from habit or instinct.”

Occupational Therapist, “Ok, do you have any other definitions for self-awareness?”

The therapist wished to learn my understanding of the term, self-awareness. Self-awareness is the ability to know, understand, and appreciate yourself. I tried to answer this above, but forgot about other aspects. 

Self-awareness includes your emotions, thoughts, behaviors, strengths and weaknesses. This also incorporates how you feel about yourself in relation to others.

If you are self-aware, then you know what’s going on inside of you, which enables you to make better decisions in life. You no longer allow external factors like other people’s opinions or feedback to affect your decisions.

We are not instructing others to dismiss everyone’s advice, however. A person new to exercise hasn’t noticed the aesthetic goals they are after. They could keep trying new methods for months without results or ask a personal trainer for advice. This trainer gives feedback after reviewing their form and gym mindset. Thus, the person begins noticing positive results after altering their exercises with the trainer’s help.


Improve Self-Awareness

Learn who you are and what you want by filling out this short questionnaire. Get your own personalized results which is a great way to improve your self-awareness skill. Mente Soul is here to help!


If you want to become more self-aware, then start by asking yourself these questions:

  • What matters most to me in life?
  • How can I achieve it?
  • What’s standing in my way from reaching my goals?
  • What’s my biggest fear?
  • How can I overcome it?
  • What am I doing to make sure that I achieve the goals that matter most to me?
  • Do I allow others’ opinions to change my actions?
  • Am I in full control of my life?

Plan Time to Review

Review your answers to the previous questions. This doesn’t mean scheduling a full hour of time from your day, but at least 5 minutes to examine yourself. Analyze your answers logically without overemphasizing bias towards your past.

Ask yourself questions such as:

  • Why did I choose this answer?
  • Has this response changed in the last week, month, or year?

Review yourself in Third Person

Bias towards events develops habits we repeat expecting the same result.

Stop. Relate meditation principles to this self-awareness practice.

Improve your self-awareness by understanding these questions return various emotions. Instead of fearing any sad memories, examine what causes you to feel these emotions.

Does your reaction lead you closer to goals?


After recovering from months in hospitals I was finally able to consider my new life. I could no longer expect the same physical skills I had before almost losing my life and leg, but my mental strength was also affected. 

A Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) impacted not only my daily activities, but also educational skill. 

  • What matters most to me?

Use the power given to overcome life’s difficulties. I will achieve intentions to assist myself and others. 

  • Why did I answer this way?

I plan to rise. Surviving a life-changing accident forced me to relearn educational skills I developed for 19 years. I could have remained inactive after an accident of this magnitude, but this would mean I quit.

  • Does this lead me closer to goals?

Mental strength is significant to gain proficiency in topics to aid myself and others, yes.


Ask your Family/Friends

We didn’t go to a therapist’s office for consulting, we visited Mente Soul’s page. Find family and friends who know you best to ask about characteristics you reveal during situations with them. What do they like the most about you? Do they notice any weak areas you have? Stay open to any good or bad remarks to learn about areas you want to improve.


Improvement Journey

Self-awareness is a skill to strengthen daily. Each day gives us time to inspect our behaviors planning to accomplish any mission we have in our lives.

Control your life by practicing self-awareness. Mente Soul can’t answer self-awareness questions. The reader of this page must respond sincerely to understand their past and progress towards their mission.



Ackerman, C. (2020, April 1). What is Self-Awareness and Why is it Important? Positive Psychology.

Betz, M. (2021, April 21) Why self-awareness is the key skill for growth, health, and happiness. BetterUp.,align%20with%20your%20internal%20standards.


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