Healthy Foods Influence Mental Health
Justin McCarthy-Contreras
Published March 23, 2023
The average person recognizes the impact food consumption has on their body which later affects their soul. Whether learned from our parents growing up to eat vegetables or listening to a doctor, the vitamins and minerals we eat are crucial. Mente Soul is not a dietician but advises others to understand healthy foods influence mental health.
Food and drinks adjust energy, attention, and mood along with many others. Let’s review the consequences food has on us mentally, comprehend tips to monitor, and identify possible add-ins to meals throughout the day. A healthy mind leads to a healthy body and soul!
The mass number of news regarding diet in magazines in the past few years relates to foods and body fat. Confined to reading article titles while waiting in line to checkout have people believe food is significant for physical appearance. While this is true, don’t forget about the brain as the source of this fact. Here are some mental aspects food modifies:
Energy and Attention
The decreased blood sugar in the body changes our mood and energy to negative areas. Some try to briefly raise this blood sugar level by reaching for candy or soda. While these might change energy for a few minutes, processed foods and drinks such as these will cause our energy to crash until energy is restored correctly from rest.
As previously mentioned, hunger causes more focus on when we will eat again. This situation causes people to stress from the present fatigue or possibly have depressive thoughts. The guts link to the brain through the vagus nerve, therefore both are able to transmit messages which develop emotions.
Feeling Hungry?
Before grabbing that chocolate bar or Coke, consider your food options. Are slow-digesting foods such as whole grain bread, nuts, or anything in the food recommendations below available?
Spacing out hours between a large meal irritates us when our stomachs begin growling. Rather than wait hours between a meal, lower the portions and snack on foods with slow energy release such as nuts or oats. Snacks between a plate of food can provide adequate energy for the body to maintain steady blood sugar levels.
The body requires water before food consumption. While the intestines may transmit a feeling of hunger, recall the recent time you drank water before searching for food. Satisfying one’s thirst affects factors such as attention and mood along with voice.
Not all foods satisfy the body’s cravings and this does not mean what the tongue wants. Instead, recognize macronutrients such as protein and fat. Review if you are low in either of these. Protein, for example, keeps the body feeling full longer. Apart from macros, drinks like coffee, for instance, have caffeine which should be avoided before bed. Speak with a dietician for a personal review of the foods your body should consume.
Food Recommendations
Eat for your health, not simply the tastes you crave. This is easy for Mente Soul (Read TRAUMATIC ACCIDENT), but complicated for another. Attempt to add more of these foods when hunger arises:
Blueberries and other berries
Tomatoes for lycopene which helps memory and attention
Nuts such as walnut or almond
Sweet potato
Meat and Seafood
Red meats, eggs, and chicken
Salmon, sardines, mussels, etc. for protein and omega-3 fats
Whole Grains
Whole Oats
Wild Rice
Bonaz B, Sinniger V, Pellissier S. Vagus Nerve Stimulation at the Interface of Brain-Gut Interactions. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2019 Aug 1;9(8):a034199. doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a034199. PMID: 30201788; PMCID: PMC6671930.
Mind. (2017, December). About food and mood.
Hartan, B. (2021, May 13) 5 Foods to Eat for Better Mental Health. EatingWell.