Published May 5, 2022

When I read the words “strengths and weaknesses” I start contemplating athletic feats. Athletes dream of a bright future. Their confidence stems from hours of dedication spent practicing similar to other habits. Strengths and weaknesses are characteristics which apply to any life occurrence.

Strengths over Weaknesses
Strengths over Weaknesses

Life-changing Accident

My TBI slows processing speed compared to non-disabled individuals. Aphasia limits the vocabulary I use. Processing speed and aphasia affect my time spent writing. I can continue with negatives, but please distinguish strengths also play a role in procedures.

One of many aspects noticed after my near-fatal accident were weaknesses. I learned about my flaws from family and therapy with little aim to adapt. The limitation list grew because I chose to reflect on aspects lost. Focusing on physical participation is reasonable, but mental conditions shift.

Mental Change

In my case, the missing mental features were not permanent. Time spent with family in hospitals revealed I forgot to review thought. Through many disappointing realizations I discovered several questions to ask myself. As an example, recall your 18th birthday for the following inquiries below:

What viewpoint do you focus on from the event?

Look into your future adult life, work, hobbies and education at this point of time. Debate ethics and morals which motivated an action. Understand why you made a choice and what you would change today.

Dreaming of the Future
Dreaming of the Future

We remember the conclusion to past events. This is why we store the case in the first place. Notice happenings you keep replaying, but don’t bypass others. Reliving these moments of glory or defeat cause us to consider other possibilities.

Why didn’t you achieve your goal?

My wishes when 17 years old involving hobbies were to expand acrobatic skills. This desire struggled with a new educational life at college. Time available to train new abilities was my major weakness. Thus, I scheduled hours for gymnastic exercises which met my university studies.

Proceeding beyond any difficulty demands contemplation. Athletic feats imply strength and time, but so does intelligence. Condition yourself to indicate why you (not others) struggled. Detect the faults without self-serving bias.

Where did you succeed?

Physical force maintained its potential despite a new daily routine. Motivation to progress my body’s capability remained high. I decided the only way for me to improve my skills would be to train smarter. Consequently, I chose daily activities to practice which could further my objective.

Strengths surmount Weaknesses
Strengths surmount Weaknesses

Motivational strength compelled me to make the most of my free time. I understood limited hours demand SMART goals (Read about SMART goals here) and began planning. Any trouble I had affected my goal, but not my strength.

Climb in order to obtain Goals

Discipline Attains Goals
Discipline Attains Goals

Athletic strength plateaued until I decided to alter my practice time. Discipline revealed motivational awareness to adjust routines. Developing my college life necessitated weekly strategy to train idle hours. Understand strengths and weaknesses with the aim of achieving goals.

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