Published May 26, 2022

Doctors advise while friends and family joke about starting exercise. The average person will most likely find reasons why working out is not for them. Subjectivity might be a temporary delusion until medical problems advance. Uncover six fitness myths in random order.

1. You have to Sweat when Exercising

Exercise intensity varies for your goals. If this is the first time exercising in months, please don’t attempt a vigorous practice. One workout day will not show results you are after.

2. Warmups and Cool Downs aren’t Necessary

The body is not prepared for high intensity movement as soon as you stand up. Warm ups ready the body to begin supplying proper oxygen and fluid. Cool downs also command the body to return to a relaxed state before exercise.

3. Everyone Hits a Training Plateau

Plateaus happen when someone does the same exercises every time. Don’t expect to reach an objective by staying at the same level. An occasional change to your fitness training achieves goals, otherwise, development will slow.

4. Choose Cardio for Weight Loss

A common misconception when told to go to a gym is to run on a treadmill. Cardio exercise is often considered the only method for weight loss. Jogging is an aerobic exercise example while strength training is anaerobic. Both forms of physical activity are effective, don’t limit yourself to one.

5. Longer Workouts are More Effective

Don’t concern yourself with exercise length from the beginning. Getting up to move is a step forward in everyone’s health. Any practice regardless of its duration approaches a mission’s goal. 

6. Spot-train Your Abs to Lose Stomach Fat

Many overweight gym goers realize spot-training is false, yet work abdominal exercises nonstop. I suppose they believe piles of fat will vanish from their stomach. Understand the body has various places to store fat and fuel muscles with energy. The regions where fatty deposits eliminate is not controlled. 

Myths vs. Facts

Workout level, progress and types of training are a few of many fitness myths. Uncover six fitness myths is from common questions asked about working out. Before following random notions stabilize your mission. Always listen to your body before, during and after a workout.


All information provided on Mente Soul is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.  Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen. Do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of information you read on Mente Soul. Do not start or stop any medications without speaking to your medical or mental health provider. We can’t take any responsibility for the results of your actions, and any harm or damage you suffer as a result of the use, or non-use of the information available on Mente Soul. Read more at

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